Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Cash Buyers -They Save Your Money, Effort and Time

Time and money, these two words rule the world today. Any home owner should concentrate on these two factors while selling their house. While the economic downturn hit the world in the recent years, the number of home owners with mortgages who defaulted on their payments increased. The resultant was that their property was repossessed. When the lender takes back your property during repossession they are obliged to sell it at the best price possible but often that is much lower rates than their market value. What the home owner often does not realise is that the lender can pursue the original borrower for years to come to recover monies owed if they have not recovered the full loan amount as a result of the sale. The owner, once repossessed, will end up with a very poor credit reference and will find it very difficult to get credit in the future let alone another mortgage. This situation should be avoided at all costs. This is where a cash buyer can help out in many ways, they can act quickly, often stop the house repossession process and avoid any “black marks” on your credit scoring.

                                 Property Buyers UK
Although the property market is beginning to show signs of a revival, it is still hard to close a property deal fast in UK with a decent price for your house using the traditional estate agent route, typically taking 3-6 months. But cash buyers are investors who purchase houses quickly regardless of type and condition for a realistic price and can often complete the deal within a month or quicker.

Besides, by avoiding the normal solicitors, estate agents and running costs of your house incurred by you whilst the sale goes through, which can be typically £6,000 on an average house sale in UK taking 3 months to sell, you could make a smart saving as all costs are normally covered by the cash buyer.

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